Section of import and export for multiple programs Maya -> Blender Problem with euler and quaternion rotattions Sometimes happens that skeleton from Maya is stretch […]
Python & Maya API
Maya python & scripting Visual studio Python Mel codeimport – file -import -type „FBX“ -gr -ignoreVersion -ra true -mbl true -mergeNamespacesOnClash false -rpr „Prefix“ -options […]
Maya Bifrost
Maya Bifrost – Visual programing you can find it under Window – Bifrost Editor Urls: https://help.autodesk.com/view/BIFROST/ENU/?guid=Bifrost_Common_reference_htmlhttps://help.autodesk.com/view/BIFROST/ENU/?guid=Bifrost_ReleaseNotes_release_notes_release_notes_2_8_0_0_html Drag and drop mesh into Bifrost Editor (BE) list […]
Goleam settup
Character scale set to 1, perform all tasks at a scale 100 times smaller than in Unreal, and export GSC and GCHA as well. Recommendation: […]
Maya Constraints
Node editorConstraints between bones, locators Aim constraints always require setting the vector it faces and the one pointing upwards. Parent constraints (always select the parent […]
Make a Metahuman of actor
Goal: „here is scans that we made and now create fast metahuman, atleast some base“ Workflow: Use scan for metahuman animator to create a base […]