Make a Metahuman of actor

Goal: „here is scans that we made and now create fast metahuman, atleast some base“

Use scan for metahuman animator to create a base
Take a metahuman head and wrap it on scan
When it will be wraped you can project albedo map from scan (then clean it)
Convert albedo into Height map and use it in Zbrush for generate Normal map and Cavity map. (wont be perfect but atleast something)
open metahuman file from bridge that you made and run metapipe.
Export it into unreal, assign DNA file, post proces anim bp, dna assets gudilines,, Recompute normals on skin shade

Actor with a correct proportions for mocaps
1. I Get a scan of actor
2. Wrap face
3. Sculpt body as close as possible
4. Run metapipe and generate full skeleton and export it
5. Try to fit actor to pose of scan as close as possible
6. Reset rotations on bones, rebind skeleton and copy weights
7. Export again

(this will probably works just if you will not move with the spine4 to head bones, otherwise there is possibility that the bones in head skeleton and body skeleton will not match)




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